Our Story


One custom hat was all it took. A hat lover became a hat collector. A hat collector became a hat artist.

Darren James has always seen a hat as the finishing touch to an outfit. His experience customizing his first custom hat- the finishing touch to his wedding look- sparked a fire. Darren is an artist at heart, and he decided that if the hat he dreamed of didn’t exist- he’d make it. So D. James was born.

The process we use to create custom, heirloom-quality pieces was learned through apprenticeships with veteran hatters using traditional methods. D. James takes timeless styles and time-tested craftmanship and applies a modern vision. Hats are individually designed, and every element is hand made. The finest materials are hand sourced, incorporating vintage and modern materials. Each hat is a unique piece of art.

Darren + Lea live in Montana with their two boys. This beautiful place reflects everything they love. We think you’d love it too. If you stop through, we’ll pour you a whiskey and talk hats.